Began with a single location with the name of LM restaurants in 1978. The place is owned by Lou Moshakos and his wife, Joy. With the vision of providing a better and unique experience the company get bigger every year and currently the firm is located at 30 locations under 60 brands, with over 2500 employees. Among all of them, the best one is Carolina Ale House due to its flagship location of downtown Raleigh, North Carolina.
In 2008, Lou founded the right place for his dream restaurant; it was an old office building having a wonderful view from the roof. He was pleased for the location and believing that his dream will come true but there were setbacks and revisits to the drawing board in the starting years. He aimed to create an experience within the vicinity which is unique and ensure the bright mood of the customers. For that he was considering natural light, unobstructed views and fresh air to be the part of the environment. Plans for the project getting heated up in 2014 with the support of architect, Frank Smith. The initial plan theme was based on the walls that wrapped up like garage doors, that was inherited from the trending indoor/outdoor dining restaurants.
However, Joy Moshakos was not satisfied with the plan and was looking over the internet for something new. There he found the Libart with it’s amazing Panor Vertical Retracting Windows. The concept of Libart retractable structures and Joy vision was perfectly matched, “Indoor comfort Outdoor Freedom”. He instantly got in connection with Libart USA division. The factory visit was arranged in the headquarters of Libart at Istanbul where he saw the Vertical retracting Panoramic windows in action.
Once he is back in town after the satisfactory visit to the factory. The team at Libart started working with architects, contractors and restaurant managers to ensure that the vision of Joy will be fulfilled.
Two of the Libart products became an integral part of this restaurant giving it a different identity. Retractable SolaGlide system and Panora Vertical Retracting Window ensure the fresh air, sunlight, sound control and protection from the weather whenever it is needed.
Another point that should be highlighted is the Panoramic windows working as the balustrade or built-in safety rail due to downward retraction of the window system.
Check out the Case study of this project via this clickable link