Dugala Distillery

Dugala Distillery

Project Name:Dugala Distillery
Location:Utah / USA
Sub Solution:Restaurant & Cafe
Units:15 Units
Size:4.5m x 2.3m H
Glazing:Temp. + 1,52 Sentryglas Pvb + 5mm Clr.Temp. Laminated
Project Number:3384

Create Unforgettable Moments with Unobstructed View

It is a crystal-clear fact that we associate our memories with a place to lock in memory. Providing maximum efficiency with the use of Libart in roof and window systems together, Dugala Distillery invites guests to share the best of local cuisine while creating a brighter, more inviting spaces with natural beauty. It combines the spaciousness and brightness of SolaGlide Inclined Retractable Skylight and the panoramic view of Panora Vertical Retracting Windows together to make your memories always remembered.

It is a perfect choice if you are looking for easy access to fresh air and natural light. Everything is specially designed to flood your life with unforgettable memories. Who wouldn’t desire to delight their guests with an impressive moment in this space? We know that all restaurant owners desire the open air feeling from ground to sky for guests. The 75% Retractable opening SolaGlide Roof (RRG system) has a span of 10.6 m and a length of 15.1 m. In addition to the opening skylight , wide span Panora Vertical Retracting Windows provides unobstructed views that are 4.5m wide by 2.3m in height, for a total of 15 units that changes the room’s entire feel.

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